Lavon Fairclough
People Operations

In her current role, Lavon strives to recruit and hire the best-qualified candidate for an open position, while ensuring that our core values and our organization’s vision of diversifying our staff are reflected in the process. Once hired, Lavon wants to be sure that new employees have the information and tools they need to succeed. We want employees to feel empowered early on to understand their new role and be successful. Through employee engagement, Lavon creates an environment where people want to come to work, where they are thriving, and most of all create a space where they are happy. Helping to champion the work/life mantra and encouraging people to take care of themselves in the best way possible is always at the forefront of everything that I do.
Lavon resides with her amazing 16 year old daughter that is the epitome of “joie de vivre.” When she’s not spending time listening to the life of a teenager, Lavon enjoys spending time with family and friends – oh, and catching up on her reading!