Amina Fahmy Casewit
Managing Partner

Amina Fahmy Casewit is a Managing Partner who co-leads New Profit’s portfolio team with Molly O’Donnell. Together with Molly, Amina oversees the vision, strategy, and management of both New Profit’s Build (multi-year) and Catalyze (early stage, one-two year) investment portfolios and sits on New Profit’s leadership team. Amina works to operationalize New Profit’s commitment to centering equity and proximity in our portfolio practices and investments.
Amina oversees our portfolio selection and performance management functions. She also serves as a “Deal Partner” providing strategic advising and support to individual portfolio organizations.
Prior to New Profit, Amina was at the Brookings Institute where she focused her research on the Middle East and North Africa. Her research included the issues of education and institutional reform, private sector engagement in development, and social entrepreneurship and investment in the Middle East.