Trust Neighborhoods
David Kemper, Kavya Shankar, Jason Dehaemers, Leadership Team
Economic Mobility

Trust Neighborhood’s mission is to work in a neighborhood to harness growth to the benefit of existing residents.
Year Founded: 2020
Trust Neighborhoods creates community-governed real estate where gentrification threatens displacement. They support neighborhood partners with creating Mixed-Income Neighborhood Trusts (MINTs) that harness growth and secure opportunity to benefit existing residents.
Trust Neighborhoods is an entrepreneurial team focused on creating and iterating the Mixed-Income Neighborhood Trust (MINT) model, a new tool for housing and community development. Their team aims to be immediate, short-term talent to support existing neighborhood-based organizations in creating their own MINTs. This work builds on their team’s experiences in affordable housing financing, public policy, corporate finance, as well as our personal experiences growing up and living across the country.
Trust Neighborhood’s work is in service to existing neighborhood-based organizations. While they assist with the upfront formation of the MINT, they know that local leaders know their neighborhoods best and can ensure neighborhood priorities are driving the MINT operations. They have already created four MINTs, and are working with additional neighborhoods on new MINTs, with the goal of creating MINTs across the country when and where they can be most impactful.
Developed in 2020 by Trust Neighborhoods, a Mixed-Income Neighborhood Trust (MINT) is a new tool for housing and community development. Each MINT develops, owns, and operates a rental housing and retail portfolio in the interest of current residents where gentrification threatens displacement. MINTs are managed by existing neighborhood organizations and are accountable to neighborhood priorities through their governance structure.
At the direction of the neighborhood organization, a MINT’s portfolio is designed to preserve current rents ahead of pricing pressures raising rents. Over time, market rate rents pay for keeping today’s affordable rents in perpetuity, preempting displacement by preserving affordability.

David Kemper (CEO), Kavya Shankar (COO), Jason Dehaemers (Chief Product Officer)
Leadership Team