Girls Leadership
Simone Marean and Takai Tyler, Co-CEOs

Girls Leadership teaches girls to exercise the power of their voice through programs grounded in social emotional learning. They provide professional development training and curriculum for teachers, sports coaches, and non-profit staff. Girls Leadership centers gender and racial equity in their work to address the internal and external barriers to leadership development.
Year Founded: 2008
Founded 14 years ago, at the start of the current mental health crisis, Girls Leadership designed belonging and wellbeing to be at the foundation of their work with girls and gender-expansive youth. Their approach takes those most impacted by this crisis, BIPOC girls and gender-expansive youth, and puts them in the driver’s seat of the solution by centering them as co-designers of the K-12 leadership curriculum. Girls Leadership then brings the learnings from this co-design process directly to teachers and staff through in-depth trainings, addressing the systems that surround the girls. Schools and districts that partner with Girls Leadership find that when the most marginalized students feel connected to peers and adults, and have the support to develop healthy and rewarding relationships, every other student in the community benefits. Girls Leadership is bringing these solutions to the girls where they already are, in school and sports activities.
Girls Leadership creates impact for over 100,000 girls per year by working with districts, schools, sports leagues and teams, and community-based organizations across the country. Girls Leadership works with girls’ primary influencers – parents and caregivers, teachers, and coaches – to create systemic and scaled impact. They put social and emotional learning (SEL) at the foundation of leadership development. They also design their programs to meet the needs of the most marginalized girls in order to best serve all girls.

Simone Marean and Takai Tyler
Co-Founder & Co-Chief Executive Officer; Co-Chief Executive Officer