Freedom Community Center
Mike Milton, Founder and Executive Director
Unlocked Futures

Freedom Community Center’s mission is to build a movement of survivors that will meaningfully address violence in St. Louis City and collectively design alternatives to state systems of punishment.
Year Founded: 2013
By divesting from the criminal legal system, providing direct support for those who are impacted by violence and harm, and partnering with survivors of violence in their leadership development, Freedom Community Center (FCC) helps organize communities to create and maintain their own systems that ensure their safety and to create the power that attracts the resources that help them thrive.
By practicing strategies such as restorative justice, pod-mapping, and providing access to timely and affordable mental health support for survivors of harm, FCC transforms responses to harm.
The cornerstone of their transformative responses is a series of early intervention strategies including restorative justice processes that intervene and work with people who are experiencing or perpetuating harm before they interact with the police or at the beginning of their interaction with the criminal punishment system.
The leaders developed at FCC have the tools to intervene in violence in their own communities, the political education to analyze systems of power and control, and the strategic and tactical knowledge to advocate for investment into transformative healing resources.

Mike Milton
Founder and Executive Director