Meet Ling Groccia, New Profit’s Systemic Solutions Summer Intern

We wanted to take a moment to introduce all of the amazing interns who have joined our team this summer! First up, Ling Groccia, our Systemic Solutions summer intern!

What inspired you to work in the social sector? What about New Profit’s mission inspires you?

I’ve always been interested in the gigantic and nebulous thing called culture. And, more specifically, how culture operates in systems of power and how we might reorient culture to make our world better. I am drawn to New Profit because we ask to answer, how can we shift the conditions that are preventing us from constructing a landscape where everyone can thrive? I’m inspired by New Profit’s deep orientation towards an ecosystem approach that invests in both the immediate and the long term and seeks solutions by cultivating innovative connections. 

What are you most excited about during your summer at New Profit?

I am excited to be surrounded by some of the most innovative and dedicated thinkers in the social sector. As our nation experiences this moment of layered health, economic, and racial justice reckonings, I feel privileged to be grounded in the thoughts of my New Profit coworkers and the extended New Profit network and to feel part of the collective action. 

Describe a piece of wisdom that you learned in your life, or a piece of wisdom that has been imparted on you by someone who is important to you. How has this idea influenced your life?

Both my mom and my time working at the Barnard Writing Center has imparted on me the power of genuinely listening and asking questions from a place of curiosity and openness. The dual actions of listening and question-asking are acts of care that allow us all to empower each other by centering each other’s voices and ideas. 

What is one experience you want to have in your life?

I’ve always wanted to run a small boutique/sandwich shop/community gathering space sometime in my life!