Impact Stories

Inspiring stories of progress and empowerment.

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new build fellows
New Profit Welcomes Two Organizations Reimagining Democracy and Economic Mobility
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Call for Discovery-submissions: Mental health equity catalyze cohort (closed)
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FY24 UF Call for Discovery Submissions - Blog header
Call for Discovery Submissions: New Profit to launch grantmaking cycle for Unlocked Futures Catalyze cohort (CLOSED)
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FY24 Tyler Broady conversations across generations
Conversations Across Generations: Tyler Broady’s Vision for Youth Empowerment in Baltimore

If we are to create the transformational change we seek in our schools, our communities, and our economy, we must work together across identities, generations, and sectors.

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Breaking Barriers: Unlocked Futures and the Journey to Justice
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Four Changemakers on How They’re Leading with Love in Social Impact

Tune into this session at Skoll World Forum 2024 to gain practical insights for cultivating resilient strategies for lasting social change.

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Unlocking the black box square
New Report Introduces Human-Centered Algorithm Design as a Tool for Creating an Expansive and Inclusive Funding Pipeline

New Profit and People Rocket release Unlocking the ‘Black Box’ in Philanthropy: comprehensive report on pipeline development uncovering actionable insights for equitable philanthropy. Download today to explore strategies, learnings, and best practice…

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FY24 Call for Discovery Submissions Graphic
Call for Discovery Submissions: New Profit refreshes pipeline for grantmaking in 2024 (CLOSED) and beyond
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